Monday, November 20, 2017

Raw Untamed Power

Best Trailer for "The Last Jedi" so far.

Here is another trailer for the upcoming "Star Wars - The Last Jedi". And for the first time I really got excited while watching it, which to be honest wasn't the case before with all those other trailers which have been released so far. But this one makes me really looking forward to the movie. Because it shows Luke training Rey and the struggles they have.

As I've already assumed before Luke is hesistant with training Rey. He fears to fail again as he did with Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren. While Rey might be a rough diamond at first she assures him that she won't fail him as Kylo did before. In one of the interviews he recently gave Mark Hamill revealed that Luke won't be the good teacher as Obi Wan was. Am sure we'll see quite some tensions between Luke and Rey. Which will be in direct contrast to what we used to see between Luke, Obi Wan and Yoda.

First Look At The First Order Fleet

More and more trailers are being released now since we come closer to the date where "The Last Jedi" will hit cinemas. In one of the latest trailers called "Heroes" (watch the trailer below) we can get a glimpse of the First Order Fleet which is possibly attacking the Resistance Base on D'Quar. It's just a very short sequence and you could miss it if you blink but you can clearly see the First Order fleet consisting of the "Dreadnaught", a kind of new Super Star Destroyer, and at least three classic Star Destroyers which are being attacked by X-Wings and those new Restistance Bombers, which look like a mixture of a Nebulon B-frigate and a World War 2-bomber..

X-Wings and Restistance Bombers are attacking the First Order Fleet.

Although the Dreadnaught seems to be a new kind of Super Star Destroyer it doesn't seem to be as big as Vader's "Executor". When you compare the size of the normal Star Destroyers to the size of those flagships, the Dreadnaught seems to be about five times bigger than a Star Destroyer. While the "Executor" is much bigger by far (compare both images above and below). 

Super Star Destroyer "Executor" with Star Destroyers (source

We could already see ATATs and ATSTs in the trailers. And now we also get confirmation for that the First Order is still using those good old Star Destroyers, which still look cool and menacing.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Star Wars - The Last Jedi - Who is flying the Falcon?

Since a couple of weeks several trailers for "The Last Jedi" have been released which for the most part always show the same scenes; which are sometimes recut to either show us a bit more of a certain scene, even if it's just a closer look at something ( like Kylo Ren's face f.e.). But some of the recently released smaller trailers even include new scenes which haven't been seen before. Like with the new trailer, called "Awake" ( watch the trailer below) where we see new scenes which show the Millenium Falcon. Especially one small scene was revealing to me. Which shows Luke standing in the cockpit of the Falcon seemingly switching it on. And while doing that he's looking around in amazement like he's just having a big flashback.

Chewie on his co-pilot seat in the Falcon.

The Millenium Falcon has been featured in all the trailers. But so far we haven't seen who is actually flying it. There is this short sequence where we can see Chewie sitting in the cockpit roaring, while a new companion is sitting right next to him. A tiny Porg. A birdlike resident creature of Ahch-To, Luke's hideout. But Chewbacca is as usual sitting in his co-pilot chair. The one who is actually flying the Falcon has not been revealed yet. Most people automatically assumed that it must be Rey who is flying it. Because after Han's death she seemed to have taken over the pilot's seat. But now with the new trailer there seems to be another option.

As already mentioned in a previous article storyleaks have suggested that Ahch-To will get attacked by the First Order. There is also a scene in the very first trailer where we see Rey running as if she's going to attack someone with her light sabre. Is she about to fight First Order-troops? If that'd be the case then Kylo Ren somehow found out about Luke's whereabouts. This would mean that he got the missing part of the map which shows Skywalker's location. As we all know by now BB-8 has that map. So somehow it got into the hands of the First Order. We may see how that happens in "The Last Jedi". There is also the scene which shows Rey being in Snoke's throne room, possibly being tortured by him. That would mean that she gets captured.

Will Rey get captured by the First Order?

Ok, let's assume that this all will take place. Then seeing Luke entering the Falcon's cockpit would only mean one thing. He will fly it together with Chewie as his co-pilot.

Will Luke fly the Millenium Falcon?
In any case. All scenes which featured the Millenium Falcon in the new trailers suggest that it's being piloted by a very skilled person whose pilot skills could be akin to that of a Han Solo.All in all we only see the Falcon flying around on Crait. So far there haven't been any scenes which show Rey being rescued. Unless Finn, Rose and DJ are about to do that while going undercover dressed in First Order uniforms. So this would mean that Luke will join the Resistance and help them fending off the attack of Kylo Ren's troops on the Resistance Base on Crait.

When Star Wars meets The Ninth Gate

What if book dealer Dean Corso, aka Johnny Depp, from the movie "The Ninth Gate" meets Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars-universe?