Friday, October 13, 2017

How Rogue One will affect Star Wars Rebels

The release of Rogue One seems to open a lot of new oportunities for upcoming adventures for the crew of the "Ghost". We already were able to see the "Ghost" during the battle above Scarif. But according to producer Dave Filoni that's not where Rebels will end. We rather will see a build up to the events of Rogue One. But now we likely will see familiar places like Yavin.

Filoni states:
Now that Rogue One is out, it opens up a lot of possibilities for us to tell these stories. We can go to Yavin now. We can start to deal with the way things worked out in the film and include ideas that are happening prior to that. The look of the background rebels really shifts to being more of the kind of drab military colors that you see in Rogue One. The Phoenix group of Rebel soldiers are kind of petering out.

So they’re redistributed into Mon Mothma’s group on Yavin and Dodonna’s group. You see a restructuring of certain cells, and certain cells get destroyed. And that’s true of the ships as well. So there’s lots of little, neat, detail level things that happen when our characters are heading into season 4 and are absorbed into the kind of pre-Rogue One era, which I thought they did beautifully in the film.

So we likely will see familiar places and characters we've seen before in the movies. That opens up new possibilities. Also the fact that rebel cells and ships are being  restructured could mean that the "Ghost" might not even be flown by Hera and her crew anymore as the battle at Scarif takes place. That would be an interesting turn of events and I'm looking forward to it.

Read more about this here.

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