Monday, October 16, 2017

Will Kylo Ren save Rey?

The trailer for "The Last Jedi" has been released last week and apart from it looking awesome and making appetite for more, it also leaves a lot to speculate about.There are a lot of scenes which seem to suggest that the movie might take this or that turn but it's really hard to tell because the trailer might be misleading by the way the scenes have been put together.

For example there is this scene at the end of the trailer which kinda makes you go "Woah!". Because you can hear Rey saying "I need someone to show me my place in all this". Then it cuts to Kylo Ren who seems to offer her his hand. Suggesting that he might be that someone who is willing to help her showing the way. Although it seems like both could be in the same scene, because of the background and the same dark lighting, it might be that both scenes with Rey and Kylo could belong to totally unrelated scenes althogether and that Kylo is reaching out to someone else.

But let's stick to the theory that Kylo might indeed offer Rey his help. Before said scene we can hear Snoke saying "Fulfill your destiny" (It's not clear if the audio really does belong to this scene or to another one). And it seems like he's either torturing or mind-scanning Rey (who doesn't seem to enjoy it very much). So at some point in the movie Rey is getting captured by the First Order or by Kylo himself and brought to Snoke who might try to turn her to the dark side as he did with Ren.

Rey seems to get tortured by Snoke.

It's being rumored that Luke's hideout on Ahch-To will be attacked by Kylo and the first order. Maybe that's where she's getting captured. Or she's simply out for revenge and trying to confront Snoke by herself for some reason. Like it's been in "The Empire Strikes Back" where Luke leaves Dagobah, also basically untrained, to face Vader.

Snoke's headquarter seems to be on a giant star destroyer. So Rey would need help from someone who'd be on the ship in order to be able to escape. Maybe it's indeed Kylo/Ben Solo who will help her because he realized that Snoke is about to drop him for Rey. So he's changing his mind, frees Rey and both escape somehow.

It looks like Luke is rather hesitant if not even unwilling to train Rey because he fears he can't tame her "raw strength" as it's been with Ben Solo. And he fears to fail again as Obi Wan did with Anakin. So what are you left to do if you need to know about the ways of the Force and the one master you were seeking out is letting you down? You are looking for another master or at least for somebody who knows more about the Force than you do. This would then possibly be where Snoke and Kylo could come into play. In "The Force Awakens" the Supreme Leader already told Ren to bring Rey to him. Maybe he already sensed that she could become a very powerful Jedi. Maybe she's even more promising than Kylo Ren himself. And that might be when Kylo realizes that he'll get dropped by Snoke and decides to take Rey with him instead and teach her the ways of the Force by himself.

Kylo Ren seems to offer someone his help here.

In a more recent interview Mark Hamill stated that in "The Last Jedi" we'd get to see a little more of Luke. His role in "The Force Awakens" wasn't much more than a cameo to say the least. Does this suggest then that he won't have many scenes in the movie? Will he just test Rey to see how much she's already able to use the Force and then decides that he doesn't want to train her? Does this also mean that he won't leave his planet to support the Resistance in their fight against the First Order? Some behind the scenes footage which shows him together with Carrie Fisher like they'd be together in a scene could suggest otherwise. But you never know.

In the upcoming movie the whole subject of the Jedi seems to take another turn. Like they want to leave the path of the good and bad Force users. That they want to create some new venue. There's the concept of a so called "Gray Jedi" who neither aligns with the dark nor with the light side of the Force (like the older Ahsoka Tano?). Maybe Rey and/or Kylo will go down that path after both have been let down by their masters? A lot of questions which need to be answered. And am looking forward to see if the movie will explain anything or if it will even leave us with more questions.

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